Flexible Bookkeeping Services For Australian Business

At Stream Accounting, we help business owners like you save time and money by doing your strategic bookkeeping for you — so you can focus on growing your business.

Ready to free your time and achieve your financial goals?

We Choose Stream Accounting?

We provide a complete bookkeeping service that can grow with your business

1. World-Class Team

You get a dedicated Client Manager and Bookkeeping team

2. Regular Communication and Support

We recommend regular meetings with your Client Manager to discuss your accounts. You will also have access to your team via phone and email whenever you need

3. Trusted Business Partners

We have been trusted by 100s of business owners since 2015

4. Monthly Agreed Pricing

There will be no bill shock or surprises with our monthly agreed pricing model. We price based on volume of transactions and reconciliations needed, tailored specifically to your business

You went into business to achieve financial freedom

You work too hard not to be rewarded for it

This is how we can help:

Step 1. We establish and manage best practice bookkeeping systems

Without well defined and managing bookkeeping systems, the whole process of managing your business can fall apart.

During our initial meetings with you, we will define and document your current processes and recommend and implement our best practice systems.

We then manage this process on a weekly basis to ensure you have up to date and real-time numbers, ensure your debtors and creditors are up to date and ensure your employees and suppliers are paid.

Knowing exactly where your business stands on an ongoing basis is vital for you to ensure your tax, GST and super doesn’t build up and that you’re really making a profit each month.

Our bookkeeping services using Xero are designed to save you time and take the pain out of getting everything together. Make sure effective financial systems and data-gathering processes are in place and up to date: accurate, real-time numbers helping you make more informed decisions about your business for better compliance and healthier cash flow.

Step 2. Reporting and keeping you compliant with the ATO

In this step, we will ensure your Xero reports is structured in a meaningful way, so that you can make sense of your business. We will re-structure your chart of accounts and implement data tracking (whether that's tracking categories or Xero projects) to ensure you have accurate numbers that help tell the full story of your business.

We'll also prepare and submit your Business Activity Statements (BAS) and Instalment Activity Statements (IAS) with the ATO, meaning that you will be well aware of your GST, employee PAYGW liabilities and keep the ATO happy!

We will also assist in meeting Superannuation payment deadlines and helping with the lodgement of Payroll Tax, Workers Compensation Declarations and Taxable Payments Annual Reports (TPAR's) - for those who are required to!

Step 3. We help you create an annual budget and 90 day cashflow forecasts

We believe that every business should have a financial budget to plan where you want to be heading. This gives direction to you and the entire team as to what the business is trying to achieve so you are all working in sync. We will establish where you are currently at and what you need to be achieving going forward in order to meet your budgeted profit goals.

We will then use these reports to help you review your performance against your expected budget regularly.

We will also use Xero's short-term cashflow tool to help you understand and better manage your 30-90 day cashflow requirements.

Step 4. We help you understand your numbers

We will help you stay on track to achieve your goals.

A regular meeting and reviewing your reports provides a snapshot of your results, forcing you to take time out from working in your business to get perspective of your financial position and determine the best actions for improvement.

We then work with a number of clients where, on either a monthly or quarterly basis, we act as a sounding board and independent party to ask you the hard questions about the drivers and the results.

This focuses your mind, allows you to form a clear Action Plan to improve results, and then increases your chances of success because you know you need to report in to us next time.

Here's how to get started with our team:

1. Take the first step

Book in a discovery call (or call us directly).

2. Discovery Call

We will meet via Zoom to recommend the best solution for you and present an instant proposal and price.

3. Sign up and get started

Once signed on, you will meet with your Client Manager to get the process started which will allow us to begin our bookkeeping services.

Ready to free your time and achieve your financial goals?


Helping your business become financially successful by helping you understand your numbers


Every Saturday you will get 1 actionable strategy to improve the cash flow in your business